Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outline of 1st Term Paper

Topic: Physics in the MMO World of Warcraft cinematic trailers.
1. Introduce game and world.
The laws of forces, gravity, and action/reaction are all exaggerated or even broken in the world of Azeroth.

 Laws of Forces
1.     Laws of Forces
-Law of Inertia-MoP cinematic; follow through throughout the fight scene
-Law of Acceleration-MoP when the panda hits the Orc and human, they are thrown in the direction of the hit.

2.     Gravity
-Chen Stormstout in MoP cinematic using wind to slow falls.
-Cata video shows tidal wave going through Thousand Needles. Here we see a rock formation that defies gravity.
-Mana worm in BC cinematic floats through the air as if it were water.

3.     Action/Reaction
-In the Cata cinematic, Deathwing lands on Stormwind city. (squash)
-BC cinematic, after the Tauren is polymorphed, he hangs in the air, then stretchs down as he is falling.
-Illidan flies into the air with high speed, stretching.

            Although the laws of physics are exaggerated or broken in the Warcraft universe, it is at appropriate times to give a mystic sense to the world.

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